How to fix black horizontal lines on laptop screen

As a professional person, your laptop is an essential tool for job, learning and completing assignments. However, encountering issues like black horizontal lines on the screen can be distressing. These lines can disrupt your study sessions and hinder productivity. In this guide, we will walk you through a step-by-step troubleshooting process to help you resolve this problem and restore your laptop screen to its normal functionality.

How to Fix Black Horizontal Lines on Your Laptop Screen

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  1. Restart Your Laptop

Before diving into complex solutions, it’s essential to start with the basics. Restarting your laptop can often resolve minor software glitches causing the appearance of black horizontal lines on the screen. Save your work, close all applications, and perform a full restart to see if the issue persists.

  1. Check for Software Updates

Outdated graphics drivers or operating system issues can lead to screen abnormalities, including black horizontal lines. Ensure that your laptop’s graphics drivers and operating system are up to date. Visit the laptop manufacturer’s website and download the latest graphics drivers and system updates.

  1. Boot into Safe Mode

Booting your laptop into Safe Mode can help identify whether the issue is related to software or hardware. Safe Mode loads the essential drivers and prevents unnecessary software from running, potentially revealing the source of the problem. To enter Safe Mode, restart your laptop and repeatedly press the “F8” key (or another key depending on your laptop model) until the Advanced Boot Options menu appears. Select “Safe Mode” and observe if the black lines persist in this mode.

  1. Check External Connections

Loose or damaged external connections can also cause display problems. Disconnect all external devices (e.g., monitors, projectors, USB peripherals) and check the laptop screen for black lines. If the lines disappear, the issue may be related to a faulty external device or cable.

How to fix black horizontal lines on any brands laptop screen

  1. Run a System Scan for Malware

Malware infections can cause various computer issues, including display abnormalities. Run a full system scan using your preferred antivirus software to detect and remove any potential threats.

  1. Adjust Screen Resolution and Refresh Rate

Incorrect screen resolution or refresh rate settings can result in display problems. Right-click on your desktop, select “Display settings,” and adjust the resolution to the recommended setting for your laptop. Additionally, navigate to the “Advanced display settings” and set the refresh rate to the highest supported by your laptop.

  1. Perform a System Restore

If the issue started recently, performing a system restore to a point before the problem occurred might help. System Restore allows you to revert your laptop’s settings to a previous state where it was functioning correctly. Type “System Restore” in the Windows search bar and follow the on-screen instructions to restore your system.


Encountering black horizontal lines on your laptop screen can be concerning, but with the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you can identify and resolve the issue efficiently. Always start with simple solutions like restarting your laptop or updating software, and then proceed to more advanced steps if necessary. By following this guide, you can restore your laptop screen’s clarity and continue your studies with ease. Happy learning!

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